Love Wins Intention Candle 愛才會贏
⇢ 幫助我們走到一起,結合我們的力量去團結及改變世界
⇢ 讓我們支持彼此,越過分歧和不再符合我們最高利益的守舊模式
⇢ 連結愛的頻率
⇢ 幫助我們帶著尊重、坦誠和勇氣擁抱和包容彼此
⇢ 進入你內心深處,幫助你以意志和熱誠服務世界
⇢ Helps us come together with our collective energy to unite and change the world
⇢ Lets us draw strength from each other as we transcend differences to outgrow old paradigms that no longer serve our highest good
⇢ Aligns us with the frequency of love
⇢ Helps us embrace one another with more respect, honesty, and courage
⇢ Taps into the depths of your heart and helps you serve the world with will and passion
⇢ 100%天然、可持續嘅棕櫚蠟
⇢ 蠟燭內有至少2粒水晶
⇢ 每支可燃點約72-120小時
⇢ 附有Black Moon Tarot編寫之教學
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© House of Intuition