Mercury Astro Magic Candle 水星星相蠟燭
⇢ 香味:木質沒藥香
⇢ 讓你看見你需要看到的真相
⇢ 加強你的思辯、溝通、影響能力, 助你達成合作協議和分辯真相
⇢ Scent: Woodsy myrrh
⇢ Shows you the truth you need to see
⇢ Empowers your mental disciplines of reason, communication, influence, contracts, and the discernment of the truth
12-page booklet:
⇢ What is Astro Magic?
⇢ Tip from your Aunt Jacki
⇢ Wisdom from Storm
⇢ Mercury - Truth Serum Spell
⇢ Magic 5 uses for the Mercury candle:
Prosperity – Listen for messages of opportunity that will productively use your experience and wisdom.
Protection – Still your mind and spirit to see the larger universal truth of the situation and understand your next move.
Love – Clear the channels of communication to get to the one issue that started the conflict.
Clearing – Clear away the clutter of too many opinions and allow facts to bring out the truth.
Healing – Discern the truth of your dis-ease and gain clarity for your path to healing.
⇢ Mercury through the Signs
⇢ 每支可燃燒約40小時
⇢ 精美紙盒包裝
⇢ 附有12頁小冊子,帶領你利用蠟燭中的星相魔法,定制專屬於你的體驗
⇢ Each candle has a burn time of about 40 hours
⇢ Comes in a beautifully designed cardbox
⇢ Comes with a 12-page booklet that guides you to customize the candle's astrological magic for a unique experience