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Aunt Jacki's Hoodoo Fiery Wall of Protection Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
  • Aunt Jacki's Hoodoo Fiery Wall of Protection Intention Candle 意念蠟燭

    ⇢ 香味:薄荷

    ⇢ 召喚你的守護靈,把惡意反彈

    ⇢ 保護你的心靈健康

    ⇢ 釋放你和與你不和的人的怒氣,讓你可以心態平和


    ⇢ Scent: Peppermint

    ⇢ Calls in your guides to deflect bad energy

    ⇢ Keeps your spirit safe

    ⇢ Releases your anger and your foes' to keep you in peace

    • Information


      ⇢ 每個可燃燒約40小時

      ⇢ 適用蠟燭杯:按查閱



      ⇢ Each candle has a burn time of about 40 hours

      ⇢ Compatible candle holder: Click here


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