Chakra Incense Holder 脈輪線香座
⇢ 木製香座,印有對應脈輪符號
Root Chakra 底輪
⇢ 平衡安全感、歸屬感、物慾、本能反應
⇢ 帶嚟接地感覺 — 踏實、活於當下
Sacral Chakra 臍輪
⇢ 平衡創造力、生育力、激情、親密關係中嘅情感流動
⇢ 帶嚟愉快、熱情、情緒穩定嘅感覺
Solar Plexus Chakra 太陽神經叢
⇢ 平衡自我價值、個人意志、自信心、決斷力
⇢ 帶嚟自我肯定、有勇氣追求目標嘅感覺
Heart Chakra 心輪
⇢ 平衡愛、慈悲、施予之心、包容、情緒
⇢ 帶嚟和諧、無條件地接受同付出愛嘅感覺
Throat Chakra 喉輪
⇢ 平衡溝通、自我表達能力
⇢ 帶嚟自然自在表達內心想法嘅感覺
Third Eye Chakra 眉心輪
⇢ 平衡遠見、直覺力、想像力、洞察力
⇢ 帶嚟穩定、清晰判斷同接收訊息嘅感覺
Crown Chakra 頂輪
⇢ 平衡靈性連結、智慧、整體意識
⇢ Wooden incense holder decorated with the matching chakra sign
Root Chakra
⇢ Balances security, sense of belonging, materialism and instincts
⇢ Brings the feeling of grounding and living in the moment
Sacral Chakra
⇢ Balances creativity, fertility, passion and emotional flow in intimate relationships
⇢ Brings the feeling of joy, passion and stable emotions
Solar Plexus Chakra
⇢ Balances self-worth, willpower, confidance and determination
⇢ Allows you to feel accepted and acknowledged by yourself, so that you can go after your goals courageously
Heart Chakra
⇢ Balances love, mercy, generosity, tolerance and emotions
⇢ Allows you to unconditonally and peacefully give and receive love
Throat Chakra
⇢ Balances your communication and self-expression skills
⇢ Allows you to freely and unapologetically express your honest thoughts and feelings
Third Eye Chakra
⇢ Balances your perspective, intuition, imagination and insight
⇢ Allows you to stably and clearly receive and discern messages received from the source
Crown Chakra
⇢ Balances your spiritual connections, wisdom, and sense as a whole
⇢ Allows you to consciously connect with the world