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Creativity + Road Opening Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
  • Creativity + Road Opening Intention Candle 意念蠟燭

    ⇢ 顏色: 橙

    ⇢ 聖化油: 玫瑰草

    ⇢ 橙色由象徵身體的紅色及象徵頭腦的黃色平衡地混合而成,所以橙色是代表和諧、平衡及療癒的顏色

    ⇢ 玫瑰草的傳統用途為帶來平靜及具創意的視覺化,以及健康

    ⇢ 此組合適合用於包含靈感、創意、療癒及新開始原素的魔法


    ⇢ Color: Orange

    ⇢ Anointing oil: Palmarosa

    ⇢ Orange is a balanced mixture of red (the body) and yellow (the mind), so it is the perfect color for harmonizing, balancing, and healing

    ⇢ Palmarosa is traditionally burned for its tranquil, creative visualization, and good health magic

    ⇢ This pairing is ideal for spells that include inspiration, creative passion, healing, and beginning a new path

    • Information


      ⇢ 100%天然、可持續之棕櫚蠟

      ⇢ 每套蠟燭均附有一支水晶浸泡聖化油,可於燃點前塗抹於蠟蠟上

      ⇢ 每支蠟燭約23cm高,直徑約2cm


      ⇢ 100% natural and sustainable palm wax

      ⇢ Each set comes with a crystal-infused anointing oil, which you can rub onto the candle before burning

      ⇢ Each candle is approximately 23cm tall and 2 cm in diameter




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