Dark Moon Spell Candle 新月意念蠟燭 (舊版)
⇢ 配搭拉長石 — 盛載宇宙能量並駕馭星際力量,它的紋路代表星宿和我們於神聖能量的連結
⇢ 配搭茉莉花 — 女神的神聖草藥,強大的能量能用於召喚月亮能量
⇢ Labradorite contains the energy of the universe and harnesses the power of the galaxies. Its markings represent the stars and our connection to the divine
⇢ Jasmine is sacred to the Goddess and is powerful when used to summon her lunar energy
⇢ 石蠟製造
⇢ 附有Tamed Wild原裝教學及Black Moon Tarot編寫之教學
HK$348.00 Regular Price
HK$298.00Sale Price