Freyja Goddess Candle 弗蕾亞女神蠟燭 (舊版)
⇢ 弗蕾亞為北歐神話中的愛情女神及戰爭女神,象徵擁有性自主、強大且美麗的女性。祂是個熱烈尋求歡愉與刺激的神袛,也是一個巫師 — 透過探視命運的走向,在其規範中帶來改變,將新事件顯化於實相中
⇢ Freyja is the Nordic Goddess of love and war, a symbol of sexual autonomy in powerful and beautiful women. She is a passionate seeker after pleasures and thrills and a practitioner of magic that discerns the course of fate and working within its structure to bring about change, often by symbolically weaving new events into being
⇢ 石蠟製造
⇢ 附有Tamed Wild原裝教學及Black Moon Tarot編寫之教學
HK$348.00 Regular Price
HK$298.00Sale Price