World Magic Ganesha Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
⇢ 香味:紅棗、橘子、佛手柑
⇢ 印度教中的象神象徵靈性覺醒及力量
⇢ 平靜思緒
⇢ 帶來處理外在世界起伏的力量,和探索內在世界的溫柔心
⇢ 以理性及知識去控制情緒
⇢ 切斷對世界不健康的依戀連結
⇢ 清除通往成功及智慧路上的障礙
⇢ 帶來正確判斷及清晰分辨的能力
⇢ Scent: Date, Tangerine, and Bergamot
⇢ The Hindu elephant god represents the call to spiritual awakening and power
⇢ Balances our mind
⇢ Brings strength to handle the tides of your external world, and gentleness to explore your inner world
⇢ Tempers your emotions with reason and knowledge
⇢ Cuts unhealthy attachments to the world
⇢ Removes obstacles in your path to success and wisdom
⇢ Brings righteous judgment and clear discrimination