World Magic Lakshmi Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
⇢ 香味:檀香、茉莉
⇢ 印度教神話中保佑商人的財富女神
⇢ 加強對富繞的專注和投入
⇢ 提醒你生命中的幸事
⇢ 提供源源不絕的資源以滿足你的願望
⇢ 解鎖隱藏的機遇及財富,帶領你去向豐盛
⇢ Scent: Sandalwood and Jasmine
⇢ Sacred Hindu goddess to merchants
⇢ Boosts loyalty and commitment to prosperity
⇢ Reminds you of the sweetness of life
⇢ Opens the floodgates of heaven to fulfill your heart’s desire
⇢ Unlocks hidden wealth and show you where it lies