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Palo Santo Smokeless Cleansing Spray 聖木能量淨化噴霧
  • Palo Santo Smokeless Cleansing Spray 聖木能量淨化噴霧

    ⇢ 以自家浸泡聖木精華及各種聖木萃取調配,浸泡精華取用上不同產地、環保採集的聖木,味道清甜,帶濃郁木香

    ⇢ 溫和地清理舊有、無益的能量

    ⇢ 幫助放鬆,帶來平靜沉穩的感覺

    ⇢ 提升直覺、幫助進入深層冥想狀態

    ⇢ 吸引良善能量


    ⇢ Made with homebrewed palo santo tincture and various palo santo extracts. Tincture is brewed with eco-consciously foraged palo santo from different origins. It has a sweet and rich woodsy scent

    ⇢ Gently cleanses stagnant and harmful energy

    ⇢ Helps relax and brings calming and grounding feelings

    ⇢ Enhances intuition and helps bring you into a deep meditative stage

    ⇢ Attracts positive and peaceful energies

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