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Spiritual Healing Incense 靈性療癒線香

Spiritual Healing Incense 靈性療癒線香

⇢ 推動靈性層面之療癒

⇢ 療癒心底之傷痛


⇢ Promotes healing on a spiritual level

⇢ Heals deep-seated wounds in your heart

  • Information


    ⇢ 印度手工線香

    ⇢ 15g線香,約10-12支

    ⇢ 每支可燃燒約30-45分鐘



    ⇢ 花、草藥、樹脂、樹木、精油

    ⇢ 成分環保天然及有機,不破壞環境

    ⇢ 成分均為公平貿易、可生物降解物料

    ⇢ 不含動物成份

    ⇢ 不含有毒成份

    ⇢ 不含童工血汗及淚水



    ⇢ Handrolled in India

    ⇢ 15g of incense, approximately 10-12 sticks

    ⇢ Each stick has a burn time of 30-45 minutes



    ⇢ Flowers, herbs, resins, wood, essential oils

    ⇢ Natural, organic and eco-friendly

    ⇢ Fair-trade, biodegradable ingredients

    ⇢ Vegan

    ⇢ Non-toxic

    ⇢ No child labour involved

HK$40.00 Regular Price
HK$10.00Sale Price
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