The Moon Astro Magic Candle 月亮星相蠟燭
⇢ 香味:茉莉麝香
⇢ 推動你去照顧自己,做最真實的你,這是很重要的魔法基礎
⇢ 喚醒對自身更深層的了解,認識原始直覺層面的自己
⇢ 解鎖並連結你強大的力量和能力
⇢ 加強你的靈力
⇢ 為你的身心靈健康帶來平衡
⇢ 讓你能自由自在地顯化真實的自己
⇢ Scent: Jasmine musk
⇢ Pushes you to care for yourself and do you, which is a critical foundation in magic
⇢ Awakens a deeper understanding of who you are on a primal and instinctual level
⇢ Unlocks access to your greatest powers
⇢ Strengthens your magic
⇢ Brings balance in body, mind, and spirit
⇢ Sets you free to manifest your true self with greater ease
12-page booklet:
⇢ What is Astro Magic?
⇢ Tip from your Aunt Jacki
⇢ Wisdom from Storm
⇢ The Moon - Do You! Spell
⇢ Magic 5 uses for the Moon candle:
Prosperity — Tap into your primal, instinctive forces to follow your own path to manifesting your dreams.
Protection — Listen to your gut, it will guide you through the hell you are experiencing. Your needs are important too.
Love — Get your needs met in all relationships.
Clearing — Your own self-care is the perfect way to clear what is distressing your spirit.
Healing — Time, attention, and the purposeful care of the self will bring a wave of healing and relief.
⇢ The Moon through the Signs