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Third Eye Chakra Candle - Clarity 眉心輪能量蠟燭
  • Third Eye Chakra Candle - Clarity 眉心輪能量蠟燭

    ⇢ 香味:薰衣草、杜松、八角、鼠尾草

    ⇢ 平衡遠見、直覺力、想像力、洞察力

    ⇢ 帶嚟穩定、清晰判斷同接收訊息嘅感覺


    ⇢ Scent: Lavender, Juniper, Star Anise and Sage

    ⇢ Balances your perspective, intuition, imagination and insight

    ⇢ Allows you to stably and clearly receive and discern messages received from the source

    • Information


      ⇢ 每支可燃燒約40小時



      ⇢ Each candle has a burn time of about 40 hours

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