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❝限量版❞ Calamity Calmer Candle蠟燭

❝限量版❞ Calamity Calmer Candle蠟燭

⇢ 香味:新鮮薰衣草香

⇢ 讓你在混亂中找到安全的喘息空間,讓你可以分辨哪些問題才是真正逼切需要處理的

⇢ 釋放你緊握不放的困境,令你打開自己去接受更容易更可行的解決方法

⇢ 令苦困的情況充滿和平


⇢ Scent: Fresh lavender

⇢ Helps you take a calm breath in a safe space so you can discern what the real stressors are

⇢ Releases the calmaity you are holding onto to open you up to easier, more attainable resolutions

⇢ Fills the situation with peace

  • Information


    ⇢ 每個可燃燒約40小時

    ⇢ 適用蠟燭杯:按查閱



    ⇢ Each candle has a burn time of about 40 hours

    ⇢ Compatible candle holder: Click here

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