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❝限量版❞ Code Red Candle蠟燭

❝限量版❞ Code Red Candle蠟燭

⇢ 香味:杜松

⇢ 是求助時通用的信號

⇢ 幫助你向指導靈溝通,讓他們了解情況的急切性

⇢ 提供即時的改變,改善你的困境

⇢ 在混亂的時刻回復你的和平和冷靜


⇢ Scent: Earthy juniper

⇢ Used as a universal symbol for help is needed

⇢ Helps communicate the urgency of the situation to your spirit guides

⇢ Provides an immediate change and improvement to your dilemma

⇢ Restores your peace and calm in times of chaos


  • Information


    ⇢ 每個可燃燒約40小時

    ⇢ 適用蠟燭杯:按查閱



    ⇢ Each candle has a burn time of about 40 hours

    ⇢ Compatible candle holder: Click here

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